Sunday, November 05, 2006

Nothing but writing

Jenni and I spent three hours on line last night working out the next three chapters of Behind the Naugahyde. I'm so excited to be working on it again. And we have so many funny, huge things happening that I just can't wait. I often thought that it would be hard to work with someone on a project especially something as big as a novel but Jenni and I seem to think almost a like. I can't tell you how many times we both push the send button at the same time and end up sending close to the exact same message. They saying that great minds think a like must really be true. I think that it's so awesome it works out that way, otherwise we might both dread writing it. Right now we both get so excited. I just hope that everyone else who reads it loves it just as much.

I know that I'm also working on a NaNoWriMo novel right now but I've figured out a solid plan to work on both. Don't worry there will be enough time because I will live, sleep and breath writing. I love it that much. I think it's discouraged to work on other stuff while doing NaNoWriMo but as long as I don't cheat my novel and I get it done I don't see anything wrong with it.
My plan is that Jenni and I break our novel up into pieces. This not only works well for the format of our novel but we can also break down the writing fairly so neither has too much or too little to write. So for the next three chapters I have nine pieces that I need to write. Some are bigger than others but I'm going to aim for writing half, one or two a day depending on their size. Once I'm done with that the rest of my writing time will be for my other novel and of course I'll throw in a blog post.
It's a lot of writing but I love to do it and I really don't do much else so here it goes.

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