Sunday, November 26, 2006

Holidays and writing

Only four days left of NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo. Aside from my one little technical problem, I've done okay with the blogging. I might even try to stay in the blogging everyday habit after November is over. As for my novel, well I'm not even to 30,000 words so I doubt I'll finish in time but I will finish eventually. Last year I was at 41,610 words by December and I was able to finish my NaNoWriMo novel by the end of the year. It was the last day of the year, in fact.
That was the first novel I've ever completed. I never really mention it. While it was quite exciting to complete a novel I will be the first to admit it was horrible. It wasn't really the kind of story I normally write. The characters were really complex and I was really not ready to write about them. Maybe one day I'll tear it apart and hope to make something of it but for now it's at rest and I'm okay with that.

I do have to say that I wish that NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo were in different months. I mean not November. I just felt so swamped with holiday things that I lost a lot of good writing time and you really just can't put the holidays on hold.

The Nutcracker was terrific. It put me quite in the holiday spirit. I've never really thought about it but maybe one day I should try writing a holiday inspired story. I just love the Christmas season wouldn't it be awesome to write something that people make a family tradition like the Nutcracker and so many other wonderful things.
In my family it's a tradition to watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation because anyone who knows us knows that movie is pretty much our family.

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