Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I have two articles for the Lookout I am trying to work out. It's hard to go to club meetings when you have to work. That's why you tell your editor these things but they don't listen.

The novel is going well I have been working on it every day. Yeah I know! I definitely think the rough draft will be done before December.

The comic is still kind of idling. I wish I had more to say about it but I don't . Although I do plan to send my new idea out to a few smaller companies and see what I can come up with. I would also like to get the new writers market guide for 2006 and send out some more submissions. I'm going to do some more rewrites to the stories I haven't managed to get published and send out a few new ones.

Class is still going well and since my teacher has been sick we are way behind schedule, which isn't bad because it will cut time out of poetry.

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